Communication and Digital Media was established as a study program at Aalborg University in 1985 and forms the basis for a number of programs where the common denominator is the development of ICT, media and communication. The programs are interdisciplinary and combine insights from ICT-, media- and communication research in the transfer of qualifications within critical analysis of existing ICT, media and communication products as well as construction of new ICT, media and communication products. Communication and digital media is concerned with understanding the challenges and implementing the possibilities for human and organizational communication using ICT.
The programmes include the following areas:
- Information Studies: developing the usability and communicative potential of the computer medium through the development of user interfaces and system development, or by employing ICT in processes of learning and communication.
- Communication: the external and internal communication of organisations – interpersonally, through media and on a strategic level.
- Interactive Digital Media: production, design and creative opportunities in interactive digital media which include computer games, strategic design, etc.
- Information Architecture: organising and communicating information; this includes optimising form and content while ensuring that user interface, user context and user behaviour all match.
- Experience Design: designing digital media technologies and products aimed at supporting and communicating experiences.
- Media Studies: the basic theories and methods in the field of media studies.