Examination complaints


If you believe that you have been unjustly treated in relation to a project examination, you may file a complaint. This page contains information on the grounds on which you may complain, how you file a complaint, and who you should contact before you file a complaint.

You may complain on the following three grounds:

  1. The foundation for the examination (examination questions, assignments, etc.) and its relation to the curriculum.
  2. The examination procedure.
  3. The assessment.

An examination complaint cannot be substantiated by matters related to teaching. This means that you cannot file a complaint about your assessment if this complaint is based on the quality of the teaching on which the examination is based. Ultimately, complaints about teaching and supervision must be submitted to the head of studyboard; however, before making complaints, it is expected that you seek to solve any issues with you lecturer, and perhaps your semester coordinator.

Complaints must be submitted no later than two weeks after the examination results are published. For oral exams the deadline runs from the date on which the exam took place, and for written exams the deadline runs from the date on which the examination results are announced to be released; if examination result are released at a later date than initially announced, the deadline runs from the date on which the results are published. Please submit your complaint to sl-klager@adm.aau.dk.

Prior to making a complaint, you are advised to ask your examiner to provide (oral) justification of your assessment. If you are not satisfied with this justification and decide to make a complaint, you must submit a written and substantiated complaint.

If you wish to make a complaint, you are also advised to contact your student counsellor. The student counsellors will not assist you in writing a complaint; however, they may offer you a confidential conversation on your options and the general consequences of making complaints. 

Read or download more information and guidelines for examination complaints and read the current regulations which form the basis of these guidelines.