Overview of the research environments which form the basis of the research based teaching for the study programmes under the Study Board of Communication and Digital Media.
Knowledge groups Copenhagen
Communication Dynamics (CODY) - København
Gruppen Communications Dynamics samler forskere, der forholder sig kommunikations- og medieanalytisk til det nybrud, der er sket indenfor kommunikationsfeltet som resultat af nye medieteknologier og den digitale æra – det være sig æstetisk, politisk eller organisatorisk. Fælles er en dynamisk og dialogisk forståelse af kommunikation og medier. Leder af CODY er Gorm Larsen.
Communication, IT and Learning Design (KILD)
KILD aims to rethink learning processes through IT and focuses at opportunities to qualify and facilitate learning through IT as well as to strengthen creativity and innovation. KILD constitutes the research laboratory ”It og LæringsDesign” with researchers from Department of Learning and Philosophy. The lab gathers a number of Denmark’s leading researchers within IT, learning and didactics. Head of KILD is Mie Buhl.
Science, Policy and Information Studies (SPIS)
The objective of the knowledge Group is to develop knowledge about scholarship and informational dynamics in all their forms and configurations. The knowledge group combines studies of academic and societal networks of humanities scholarship and beyond with research on intelligent access, prediction, analytics and ethics of information in the face of large amounts of data. Head of SPIS: Birger Larsen.
Knowledge groups Aalborg
Naturlige og formelle sprog - Aalborg
Vidensgruppens formål er at udforske en række aspekter vedrørende sprog og kommunikation i udvalgte sammenhænge – ofte med inddragelse af formalisering og forskellige former for computermediering og digitalisering. Centralt i arbejdet står interesserne for sproglæring, kategorisering, meningsdannelse, formalisering, filosofisk logik, argumentationsteori samt computerstøttede studier af tekstcorpora. Leder af naturlige og formelle sprog er Peter Øhrstrøm.
Centre for Dialogue and Organisation (CDO)
CDO is concerned with professional conversations and innovative processes in organisations. The conversation is seen as a tool for theoretical and practical understanding of interpersonal relations and as a tool for intervention and innovation in organisations. Head of CDO: Helle Alrø.
e-Learning Lab - Center for User Driven Innovation, Learning and Design (eLL)
e-Learning Lab conducts research and teaching in design and implementation of ICT-systems, to support learning and knowledge sharing. This takes place on basis of studies of practice and always in cooperation with the end user and other operators. The group’s focus is on understanding user practice. Head of eLL: Marianne Lykke.
Centre for Interactive Digital Media & Experience Design (InDiMedia)
InDiMedia researches within interactive digital media and IT-based experiences. The researchers take an interest in how to understand and create better interactive digital media and better IT-based experiences. The approach is user-centred.Head of InDiMedia: Jens F. Jensen.
Mattering: Centre for Discourse & Practice
The group combines discourse analytical and material approaches to mediation and meaning-making in social practices. A central task for the group is to develop methods to understand, analyse, criticise and influence practices within various social areas. The methodological development will take place in conjunction with close analyses of concrete texts, interactions and practices. Head of Mattering: Pirkko Raudaskoski
MÆRKK - Media Aesthetics & Experience Design: Communication, Culture & Cognition
MÆRKK is a knowledge group, and MÆRKK’s members research and teach in media, market and communication. The interest is directed towards aesthetics, experience, culture and cognition. Head of MÆRKK is Nicolai Jørgensgaard Graakjær.
MÆRKK - Media Aesthetics & Experience Design: Communication, Culture & Cognition
News from the research invironments
Ny bog: Dialogisk procesfacilitering
Dialogisk procesfacilitering er redigeret af Helle Alrø, Lise Billund og Poul Nørgård Dahl og henvender sig til alle, der teoretisk og praktisk beskæftiger sig med facilitering af forandrings- og udviklingsprocesser. Bogen præsenterer i teori og praksis forskellige måder at facilitere dialog på som også i sig selv er dialogiske.
Finn Thorbjørn Hansen sætter fokus på undringsdimensionen i kunstneriske processer
I et nyt forskningsprojekt skal professor Finn Thorbjørn Hansen følge og beskrive teatret Carte Blanches arbejde. Hensigten er at undersøge, hvordan kunstnerisk forundring og filosofisk undren kan bruges dels i dramaturgiske og kunstneriske skabelsesprocesser og dels inden for praksisfænomenologisk forskning.
7. bog i MÆRKK-serien: Tv-analyse
Bogen Tv-analyse udgør et oversigtsværk over tv-programtyper såvel som tv-analysens teoretiske tilgange og metoder. Valget af programtyper har baggrund i dels et genrespredningskriterie, dels et historisk væsentlighedskriterie.
Professor Pirkko Raudaskoski udpeget som medlem af bestyrelsen for Tampere Universitet
Pirkko Raudaskoski, der er professor i material discursive practices på Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi, er blevet udpeget som medlem af bestyrelsen på Tampere Universitet i Finland. Den finsk-fødte professor vil bringe sin erfaring fra Aalborg Universitet samt egne forskningsinteresser ind i bestyrelsesarbejdet.